Confident. Balanced. Unstoppable.

Hola! I am Tania the founder and CEO of Unstoppable Female.

I am a Certified Life, Mindset and Confidence Coach (among other things). Multi-passionate, multifaceted, and completely obsessed with showing you how to unlock the woman you carry inside, the one that can have it all!

I was not born like this, I chose to become the woman I am today.

A bit of my story…

After having a life full of struggles: growing up in a household that was very unstable and pretty much aggressive, being bullied, struggling with money, poverty, and battling with anorexia for 5 years, + a lot of other things… I became someone who went through life as a victim of my circumstances. I felt that I didn’t belong anywhere… In Uruguay I am the Spanish one, in Spain I am the Uruguayan and I couldn’t find my place in the world. Even after going through so much as a child, things got even worse as a teenager. Where anxiety, overthinking and even suicidal thoughts crossed my mind so many times. My life sucked! I didn’t feel like I was in control at all, I didn’t even know how to take control.

Until in 2012, at the age of 19, a friend from high-school, who saw what I was going through, introduced me to a book called “The Aleph” from Paulo Coehlo. This book, changed my life for ever! I realized that there was indeed more to life and I was not at all where I wanted to be, I didn’t like my life or the future that I was seeing for myself. This book opened the door to self help and self development. I realized that I needed to start moving to find my Aleph. I moved from Spain to Germany at the age of 19, as an Aupair, with 50 Euros on my pocket. Spain was not offering opportunities to young people and I needed to give myself a chance, I needed to take control over my life and stop repeating the generational conditioning. I took a leap of faith and followed my intuition, everything in my body was telling me that I needed to go somewhere else, it didn’t matter where. That is how my journey started.

At 22 I started university to become a therapist, thinking this was going to help me fulfil my life’s mission (which has ALWAYS been to help people become their best version). But then, I came across coaching… So I dropped out of University to become a life coach, and while getting certified, I realized that THERE WAS SO MUCH I needed to work on myself before I started offering my services to the world as a coach. You see, I used to struggle with perfectionism and putting an incredible amount of pressure on myself. I spent the next years trying to be perfect, comparing myself to other very well established coaches and making myself small. Until I decided to invest in a coach myself. I was so scared, but also excited, and as soon as I started working with her, I regretted SO MUCH to not have done that earlier… I could have gotten to where I am now MUCH earlier if I wouldn’t have been so closed minded, thinking I am amazing at researching and I will figure everything out on my own.

Three months before my 27th birthday, I finally decided to launch Unstoppable Female, to help other women break the cycle and become the woman they have always been meant to be, so they can create a life they absolutely love.

And I did, I helped so many women discover themselves deeply, bring out the woman that they carried inside all this time, and create a life they absolutely love, ditch their inner critic and completely shift their realities…

But at the end of 2021, I decided to step back and fully focus on myself, there were things I needed to change in my life and work on. During this break, I applied all what I teach, I made my last Vision Board happen and the ONE thing I took with me from stepping back, is that I never want to step back again. Helping you become a better you so that you can give yourself an incredible, drama free, abundant and peaceful life, is my life mission. There is NOTHING that makes me as happy as seeing other women break the cycle and become UNSTOPPABLE.

I failed, I raised, I failed again and I’ve raised again. If there is one thing that I learned, as someone who comes FROM NOTHING, who was given NOTHING but obstacles, is that only you can stop yourself, no one else, no obstacles, nothing, only you. Your mind is SO powerful, that if you believe you can’t do something, you will just not do it. If you believe you can, you will do it.

When you decide to work with me, all what you will see, are opportunities, open doors, open windows, the light at the end of the tunnel… Obstacles do not exist in my world, and they will not exist in yours either.

  • I am 73% INTROVERTED!!

  • I LOVE playing video games on my Xbox, yes, Xbox.

  • I recently started rythmic spinning and I LOVE it.

  • I speak 3 different languages, I’m bilingual in 2, ALMOST trilingual. My goal is to speak 5, just for fun!

  • I lived in 4 different countries and moved out over 40 times. Stability is something I have always wanted and is something I FINALLY have.

I bet you would have NEVER imagine that…

A community of women who want more from life, who are ready to transform their lives and will not tolerate or settle for less anymore.

Unstoppable Female was created to support you on your journey to a better you, a better every day, a better life. You have so much power to tap into, you are LIMITLESS. The only limits you see, are the ones you are setting for yourself.

UF is a community

I have put together THE ONLY program you will need in order to completely transform your life and become the woman that can have all that what you need.

The Unstoppable Female Academy is my signature program, a 5 month intensive and super high touch program that will show you how to get to where you want, regadless of where you are at now.