Become the woman you carry inside, the one that can have ALL what you desire.

Welcome to:

The one course that will help you discover who you really are, who you are meant to be and how to give yourself the life you dream of.

If you are here, you are tired of feeling stuck, lost and/or unfulfilled. You want to get out of it, make this cycle stop. Deep down, you know, that there HAS to be more to life. There is something burning inside of you, sometimes it burns stronger, sometimes softer, and it always tells you to NOT give up, that there is more awaiting for you.

You need to know, that this light inside of you, is right: THERE IS more to life, and you have all what it takes, to get it, even if sometimes you doubt this with every cell in your body. I was once where you are too. And now, I want to teach you, to ignite your fire and become UNSTOPPABLE.

Does any of these sound like you?

  • From the outside, it looks like you have it all, but deep down, you may feel stuck and unfulfilled in a life that doesn’t align with your desires and aspirations, and your lack of self confidence is holding you back from taking the necessary steps.

  • You may be paralyzed by the fear of failure, you worry about what others may say and you fear you won’t even meet your own expectations, leading to a constant state of self doubt and hesitation.

  • You would love to have better career opportunities, healthier relationships, live in a better place, have a MUCH better financial situation, but don’t know how to start… or if that is even possible “for someone like you”.

  • You know that you are capable of more but this inner voice is making you question your own abilities and worthiness, wondering if you have what it takes to achieve your own dreams. You feel like you are living the same things/problems over again.

  • You have been feeling unsure and lost… You struggle to truly identify your passions, values and goals. And this lack of clarity has been holding you back… And you know, you are not embracing your full potential.

  • You KNOW that there has to be more to life, you have been working on yourself, but somehow it is just not clicking. And you are fully committed to do whatever it takes to completely shift your reality.

If any of it does…

you have been led here for a reason. Opportunities for change come when you are ready for them. And it seems like you are ready now.

For the longest time I felt lost on my journey, I read all the books, did all the journaling and still wasn’t getting it, I doubted my capabilities countless of times… Until I decided to get serious about it and committed myself to change that no matter what.

Through my experiences, certifications and inner work, I learned so much, that I was able to completely transform my life and finally become the woman that I have always been meant to be, the one that can have it all. And I have put together a very well structured program, that I wish existed when I started my journey years ago.

The one I taught my clients in 2020/1 and the one that I followed in 2021, after taking some time for myself (because of what I teach in this program, I made my vision board happen). And I want to show you, how this is possible for you too, to not only have certainty that what you want is already yours, BUT to actually get it.

My approach to creating a life you absolutely love has not too much woo-woo, instead, is full of brain science. Most of the “manifestation” process happens subconsciously, as your subconscious mind (that part of your brain where all the information is held, where all what you have learned is stored, so you don’t have to every day re-learn to walk, lift a cup of coffee, react etc), is responsible for 95% of your reality. The truth is, that 95% of your brain activity happens unconsciously, and that means that you have been walking through life on autopilot mode, repeating the exact same patterns.

At the Unstoppable Female Academy, you will become VERY conscious of what is working and what is not, because awareness os the first step towards real change, you will break all the unhelpful patterns, create new ones, and you will continue to walk around on autopilot, but this time, instead of stopping yourself and missing chances, instead of seeing obstacles and fears, you will see opportunities EVERYWHERE, subconsciously making things to work out for you. Effortless. This is how you will build an incredible life for yourself.

This is the ONE, course, you will ever need to completely transform your life.

Being and feeling unstoppable

goes beyond what people think. Being unstoppable is about having certainty that what you want, wants you back and is gonna be yours. Is about knowing that nothing is breaking you again, you have been broken enough times and this time, you are putting the pieces back differently. Is about understanding yourself, your emotions and your patterns. Is about knowing exactly what you want, and going in that direction KNOWING that nothing will get on your way, because what is meant to be yours, will simply be yours.

Being unstoppable is about knowing your worth, knowing who you are to the core and entering a room KNOWING not everyone will like you, being totally okay with that and hoping there will be someone you like, without even needing to be arrogant, you are more than fine with who you are, and who you are NOT. It is about not letting the opinions of others bring you down or stop you from doing what you want. It is about being afraid but trusting in your instincts and doing it anyway. It is about being reflective and responsible with your emotions.

Is about having boundaries that respect your peace and mental health. It’s about being patient and calm with yourself and others, knowing everything has its process. Is about looking at yourself in the mirror and LOVING the woman you have become.

Is about taking no more shxt from others and even less from that mean inner voice who never stops and seems like has nothing good to say. Is about taking full responsibility and control over your life.

You may dress all in pink and wear two ponytails, dress all black and wear Dr. Martens, wear sporty clothes all day or be the casual-elegant type. You may be the most introverted person who always comes across as shy and insecure, or a super extroverted person who used (or still) to feel very insecure. It doesn’t matter, YOU are gonna get everything you want in life, because you will make it happen, you are DONE with sitting and waiting. You know it is time to take action if you want things to change for you. And you are ready to become unstoppable!

The Unstoppable Female Academy is divided in 5 very well structured Phases:


Bonus section reveal coming soon

Bonus section reveal coming soon

Bonus section reveal coming soon

Bonus section reveal coming soon • Bonus section reveal coming soon • Bonus section reveal coming soon •

Why the Unstoppable Female Academy?


If I was you, I would be asking the exact same question “why hers and not someone else’s?”. My answer: if you resonate with my story, I can help you the most. I am certified in A LOT of things, I take this very seriously, but so do a lot of coaches. What makes me different is who I was, who I became and how I built what I built.


Inside the Academy you will get to connect with women who are not only on the same journey than you, but who have gone through similar things, who are SO READY to completely transform their lives and are looking for connection and support, just like you. Community and connection have no price when you are on this journey. And as a BIG bonus, you will have access to the community for ever. Because your journey does not stop when you finish the course.


The UFA has all the information you need with actionable steps and examples. All information is easily digestible and SO mind blowing… I hate when things are made complicated. So I made everything easy for you, without anything out. There are NO secrets kept. You will not need another course after this. Everything you will ever need, is inside the UFA. Plus: you will have access to all future bonuses as well!

This is for you if

  • completely transform your life and you can’t wait to get started!

  • re-discover yourself and give yourself the biggest chance you have given yourself until now.

  • move pass why you can’t have what you want and instead learn ALL the reasons why you ACTUALLY can!

  • see what is on the other side of “the bridge” and break the generational conditioning that has been passing on in your tree.

  • an investment in yourself and not another expense.

  • make the biggest commitment to yourself and fully focus the next 6 months on YOURSELF, by completing every module and workbook.

NOT the best fit for you if

  • mastered yourself, your mind, and you already “know everything”.

  • a coachable person, willing to look at things from a different perspective.

  • willing to get out of the “victim of my circumstances” state.

  • there is no way for you or for anyone to create a life they absolutely love by transforming themselves.

  • someone to save you and solve all your problems quickly.

  • astrology and the horoscope.

    There is not much woo-woo in this course. I am driven by science and psychology, and that is the approach I teach.

You may still have questions…

You may be thinking “all this sounds really amazing and sounds like it is exactly what I need BUT what if this is just another waste of time and money”? I get that, really… I probably don’t know you, but if you have read until here and most of it already spoke to you… What is inside will BLOW YOUR MIND. The only thing you will regret, will be to not have found this course earlier.

Keep in mind that everything comes when you are the most ready for it. Let the opportunity go away, and you will probably repeat the exact same thing for another year. Grab the opportunity and in 6 months you will be at a VERY different place in your life and within yourself.

I am not trying to sell you something just so I can get rich and show off the life I have built based on how many of you have paid me, my honesty and integrity are at the very top of my values list to do that. I went “ghost” for some time and I came back having manifested some of my biggest dreams until now, by applying everything I teach inside the UFA. Now I am here to teach you how you can do the exact same.

My life mission, is to show you that there is more to life and you can have a BIG piece of that pie too. Everyone who sets their mind to it can do it, a step to get there is going through what I teach. Are you ready to completely transform your life?

The UFA is valued at 1997$

but ONLY for this round there is a very special price:

You will have access to 5 months of group coaching with 20 LIVE Coaching sessions and Q&A, over 20 pre-recorded high quality audio and video modules, 20+ workbooks, masterclasses with other experts that will make your life easier, access to all future masterclasses, for ever access to the private community, accountability for the next 5 months and after, support and guided steps…

Because this is the RE-LAUNCH, after being away for some time, your investment will be ONLY 597$, or 5 payments of 130$.

This is going to be THE ONLY time, that the Unstoppable Female Academy will be at such an affordable price for the incredible transformation and all what is in it.

When joining this time, you will have access to all what is inside now, and all what is to come, for the lowest investment you will ever find it!

See what women who have worked with me have to say

A. P.

“When I started working with Tania, I was so broken, I was blaming myself for  everything that had happened to me but then I realized that my only responsibility was not being true to myself and not standing up for myself. 

Nowadays I care for what I feel and think, I respect my thoughts and emotions. I recognize them and let them flow, I've been learning to trust myself, to be strong and enjoy my own company, knowing that whatever happens I got myself to go through it! 

I feel empowered and stronger than ever!

I would encourage any woman who may be struggling in relationships, or lacking self-love and self-value, to give Tania's program a chance. IT WORKS! 

I must say, it works as long as you really want to see changes for once and if you commit to it. It gets uncomfortable at times because you need to deal with thoughts that have been rooted there for way too long, but that is the idea... to be able to remove all those old patterns and paradigms to start over. 

I gave this experience my very best, I had nothing to lose so I committed 100% to it and gradually I started feeling better, I started liking myself including what I see in the mirror. I started working out, which was something I always wanted to try but never did (perhaps pure laziness or not being mindful of what my body also needed). I defintely feel more connected with myself, it's like even though at times I may be physically alone, I'm constantly checking in or having that internal dialogue with me, as my best friend.

I hope my experience helps other women. Changes are possible, we are an important factor in our lives, we make things happen!”

K. B.

“Before working together I felt very insecure, I knew I had so much to give but I didn't know how. After we worked together I feel much more confident, powerful and stronger. 

Tania wasn't only my life coach, she didn't only treat me as a client but as a friend. She showed me so much support, love and effort during our work together, while I was feeling completely insecure and didn't know what to do with my life. 

She helped me understand my worth and set clear boundaries on people, forgive myself and move on. The whole thing worked like magic! During our work together many things changed in my life for the better and I can't thank her  enough! 

My intentions are to keep constant with what I've learned in the life coaching program, not to forget my power and strength on achieving happiness and success. 

I feel more confident and determined, I know my goals better and I’m ready to appear!” 

L. B.

“Before working together I didn't know who I was and what I really wanted. I couldn't see clearly as to what I wanted to do and what would feel good for me. Now I have a clear vision for the life I want and the career I want to have for myself. I also have a lot my faith in myself and belief in that I will figure things out but also that I can change and do whatever I want at any point in my life. This has been very freeing! 

I never thought I'd figure out what I want to do or even just have peace with not knowing and allowing myself to just go for things even if they don't work out but now I do. I'm a lot more trusting in the process and myself. I also know who I am and for me that has really helped me to connect back to my inner self when I had been so disconnected for so long. “

We are starting in:




March • March • March

If you are tired of going through the same shxt over and over again, if you are tired of not getting the results you desire… Then, the Unstoppable Female Academy is for you.

If you are ready to let me lead the way for you, if you are ready to change your narrative and start believing that YES, it is possible for you too, then… The UFA was created just for you. See you in there!